Sights in the sky
Star hopping
Take a famous constellation you can find easily as your starting point, then let your eye hop from one bright star to the next to navigate your way around the night sky.

Change your latitude, change your sky
Travel from pole to pole, north to south, and see how your latitude on Earth dramatically changes the stars you can see and the way they seem to move in the sky through the course of a night.

Around the pole star
For observers at mid northern latitudes, the Big Dipper never set. Watch how these circumpolar stars circle around in just under 24 hours, like a hand on a huge celestial clock.

The Virgo cluster of galaxies
Zoom in on a region of the sky where several thousand of the countless galaxies that populate the universe are clustered together.

Dawn of time in China
Travel back in time to 1953 years BC, to witness a very rare astronomical event.

See also:
The Essentials
Sun, Moon and Earth
The Planets
Comets and asteroids